Forward Motion: HB2424 Passes Rules Committee…OR…David-1, Goliath-0

Despite a full frontal attack by every high-powered political lobbyist money could buy, HB2424, the bill written to reform the troubled Arizona Probate Court System has jumped another hurdle on the way to become law.  When public testimony was taken in the House Judiciary Committee last Thursday, the number of private citizens registered to speak in favor of the bill was so numerous that the time to speak had to be limited.  The only testimony in opposition to the bill was a court liaison, paid with taxpayer money, who objected to the “intrusion” by the legislature into the realm of the judiciary and industry insiders who profit from the current system.

The lingering question was this…if the courts and attorney groups are so good at policing their own, if they understand what is in the best interest of so many and capable of abiding by the current law…what caused the countless horror stories of exploitation and abuse?  If the bad actors are so few, why are the stories, true and accurate accounts, so many?    Just how did Arizona become the prime example of a national need for probate reform?

Apparently the circus of not 1, not 2, not 3,  not 4, but at last least 5 different “paid for hire”  lobbyist that are being paraded through legislative offices equipped to mislead policy makers by the 3 Ds: distract, deflect, and destroy HB2424 cannot compete with the truth and demands of the people for justice.   These fee for service providers joined the masses of paid fiduciaries, trustees and their associations and lobbyists, all fighting to keep a hold on the cash cow we know as vulnerable individuals entrusted to the state courts.         

Today was a good day for the people.


6 responses to “Forward Motion: HB2424 Passes Rules Committee…OR…David-1, Goliath-0

  1. Seriously, those fast talking, money sucking greedy attorneys, judges and lawyers need to pick up their marbles and go home. The gravy train is over!

  2. The people of Arizona should have the voice regarding what is in their best interest. The courts should have been upholding the laws and the rights of the people and this would never have happened.
    The courts can NOT give themselves immunity anymore than you or I could give ourselves immunity. We all have to answer to a higher power.
    The law makers of this state need to let the courts know that they will answer to them and that there will be accountability. The courts belong to the people, not the judges.
    Thank you to all the Legislators and Senators who believe in Liberty and Justice and are willing to take a stand. Thank you for seeing that there needs to be reform and for doing something about it.
    Thank you to Laura Knaperek and her team for their hard work and passion for justice! They are great!
    God Bless Arizona!

  3. Well done! Very encouraging for the national picture.

  4. Great news! Your hard work and perserverance is paying off – a big step toward justice.

  5. OF COURSE there were several ppl wanting to speak in support of this bill…….thanks to the media, victims are now coming out of the woodwork. And they are coming out by the dozens!! AZ needs HB2424 and i want to send out a BIG “Kudos” to Laurie Roberts (for getting this all started), to Laura Knaperek for all the hard work she has put in towards this, to Rep. David Smith (for taking a chance and introducing this bill), and to all the victims (for coming out of the woodwork and speaking up) because probate reform here in AZ would not have come this far had it not been for you!!! Keep up your efforts and all the great work.

  6. My congratualtions to all of you and for your dedication that Maricopa
    County State of Arizona and the other 14 counties may have a voice by the
    People into their Judiciary, Politics and Constitutional Mandate for Justice
    to All. Our Institutions have failed many of us despite the power given to
    them to preserve and protect the Vulnerable and Infirmed that inspite of
    themselves, they are not Isolated Cases of Adult Abuse by Court Officials
    but a calculated scheme to defraud both the Wards and their families including the Arizona Tax Payers. It must and will stop and people will go
    to Jail! Guaranteed! Bring on The Grand Juries! Dennis Andrew Ball//s//

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